International Women’s Day (IWD) 2017 is on March 8th Wednesday with celebrating all over the world recognizing the women empowerment as a social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women.
Women’s day was established back in the 1900s and later recognized by the United Nations (UN) in 1975. The goal of women’s day is to achieve gender equality for women worldwide, a journey that is still ongoing. The UN raise awareness with a new theme each year, this year being, “Be Bold For Change” Women’s day celebrate on a target of achieving gender equality, and empowerment of all women and as well as ensuring quality education for all and promoting lifelong learning. The year 2030 is the target to achieve all these.
Women empowerment touches on the creation of an environment where they can create and make decisions of their own personal and society benefits. A woman plays multiple roles in a single day as doting daughter, caring mother as well as a wife, a competent colleague and a wide range of many other roles around as flawlessly and with grace. Women are undoubtedly the backbone of any society.
However, women are ignored fraction of society in many parts of the world. This seriatim has caused women at large to bear the brunt of inequality, oppression, financial dependability ad other social evils.
For centuries now, women have been living under some bondage that put a limit on them from achieving professional as well as personal heights.
Women empowerment helps her to freely live their life with a sense of self- respect, worth and dignity. Give awareness about having equal right for social and economic justice lead to make their own choices and decisions. Provide safe and comfortable working environment. Enable her to participate in social, religious and public activities. Women empowerment enables her to believes that a girl should be two things: “who and what she wants”
Women empowerment helps to the overall development of the society on account of this, women empowerment is a need of society.
It is a big time that we understand the power of women and help them to come up with flying colors. We should help them to boost their confident by treating them I respect. World’s population constitutes 50% of women. Large numbers of women in this world are unemployed. It affects the world economy. An economy of a country depends on women equality at workplace. Women empowerment helps women to stand on their own legs, become self-sufficient and also to earn for their family which grows country’s economy. Women are equally competent. Nowadays, even women are leading men in many socio-economic activities. The problem of a bias towards men will be an end once we understood that women are basis of our lives and we cannot imagine success without them. Women talented as men allow them for higher education and utilize their talent worthily for society. Women empowerment reduces domestic violence. Uneducated women bear a higher risk of domestic violence than educated women. Women empowerment also helps to reduce poverty. Now day’s men’s earning is not enough for satisfying family demand. The added earning of women helps to meet demand and hence reduce total poverty of society. This leads to national development. As result of women empowerment, she is considered for all jobs in irrespective of gender. Women empowerment gives the right to each woman to take their own decisions whether it related to family or work. They can do what they want like a man. It is very important that a woman must understand her power and utilize a maximum of it. Women have their own identity and should maintain the same. Whether they are housewife or working woman, identity means everything to them. Women need to change their mindset that they should just remain within the home and have restrictions in society but move outside for live their own lives. Even men should understand this and help her to achieve it. Ensure active participation of women in outside activities, it will have an impact on the development of countries.
The Constitution of India is one of the finest equality documents in the world. It gives provisions to secure equality in general and gender equality in particular. The Preamble, the Fundamental Rights, DPSPs and other constitutional provisions provide several general and special safeguards to secure women’s human rights.
Preamble: The Preamble to the Constitution of India assures justice, social, economic and political; equality of status and opportunity and dignity to the individual. Accordingly, our constitution treats both men and women equal.
Fundamental rights:
The policy of women empowerment is well established in the Fundamental Rights expressed in Indian Constitution:-
Article 14 ensures to women the right to equality.
Article 15(1) specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex.
Article 15(3) empowers the State to take affirmative actions in favor of women.
Article 16 provides for equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters relating to employment or appointment to any office.
These rights being fundamental rights are justifiable in court and the Government is obliged to follow the same.
Fundamental duties:
Fundamental duties are well established in Part IV-A of the Constitution and are positive duties for the people of India to follow. It also hold a duty related to women’s rights:
Article 51 (A) (e) expects from the citizen of the country to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India and to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women.
The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.
The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961.
The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956.
The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.
The Medical termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971.
The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987.
The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006.
The Pre-Conception & Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1994.
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place (Prevention, Protection and) Act, 2013.
The above laws give feel of security, legal rights to women and sense of empowerment.
India is a part to various International practice and treaties which are performed to secure equal rights of women. One of the most important among them is the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), ratified by India in 1993.
National Policy for Empowerment of Women objectives:
Create an environment for the complete development of women to enable them to realize their full potential.
Create an environment with full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedom by women in all political, economic social, cultural and civil spheres.
Equal accesses to women for participating and make decisions in social political and economic life of the nation.
Provide equal health care, quality education at all levels, career and vocational guidance, employment, equal remuneration, occupational health and safety, social security and public life etc to women.
For eliminating all types of discrimination against women by strengthening legal systems.
Ensure active participation of both men and women in all social activities.
Eliminate discrimination against women and girl child.
Make partnerships with civil society, particularly women’s organizations and strengthen them.
It can be said that women in India, through their own uncompromising efforts and with the help of Constitutional and other legal provisions and also with the aid of Government’s various welfare schemes, are trying to find their own place. And it is a confident sign that their participation in employment- government as well as private, in socio-political activities of the nation and also their presence at the highest decision making bodies is improving day by day.
Raise your words, not your voice. Understand your strength and rights. Fight for rights and knowledge. Earn more by learning. Grow by knowing about rights and security. Right makes you confident. Be confident be strong.
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